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UDSSNov 08, 20232 min read

Propelling the UK to the Forefront of the Space Economy: The Vision for London as a Global Space Finance Hub

In today's Financial Times, Peter Hewitt Co-Chairman of UDSS was among the signatories of a letter calling for the UK Government to work with the finance sector to establish London as the premier global centre for space finance and investment.

The letter highlights the UK's strengths in science, technology, and legal frameworks, specifically in relation to sustainability in space activities and managing space debris. The letter argues that the UK financial services sector, with London's infrastructure, is well-positioned to become the leading global centre for space finance and investment. It calls for joint action between the government and the finance sector to achieve this goal and urges the government to set a clear target to establish the UK, and London in particular, as the pre-eminent centre for space finance within the next decade. The collaboration between the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and the UK financial and professional services sector is presented as crucial to realising this vision.

The letter was signed by:

  • Sally Bridge­land Chair, Impax Asset Man­age­ment Group; Non Exec­ut­ive Dir­ector, Pen­sion Insur­ance Cor­por­a­tion, RSA and Royal Lon­don Lord Crom­well House of Lords, Lon­don SW1, UK
  • Sir Wil­liam Rus­sell Lord Mayor, City of Lon­don (2019-2021)
  • Ian Taylor Former Min­is­ter for Sci­ence & Space and former Chair National Space Academy Steer­ing Group
  • Sir Mark Boleat Former Chair of Policy & Resources, City of London
  • Professor Sir Paul Curran President of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society & immediate past President of City, University of London
  • Carolyn Dawson CEO, Founders Forum
  • Madush Gupta Policy Lead Innovation & Technology, City of London
  • Air Vice Marshall Andrew Turner Founder Space4Sight & former Deputy Head RAF
  • Sam Adlen Co-CEO, Space Solar
  • Jodi Bartin Director, Citicourt Tom Bohills Principal, Founders Law
  • Alex Deane Partner, FTi
  • Peter Hewitt Co Chairman, Universal Defence & Security Solutions
  • Rupert Hope Managing Director, Connected Capital
  • Michelle Howard Associate Partner, Astroanalytica
  • Susannah De Jager Independent Consultant
  • Gemma James Head of Aerospace, Founders Law
  • Dr. Tom James Deep Space Technologies Jamie Lesser Founder/CEO, New Space Finance
  • Ida Levine Principal, Two Rivers Associates Limited
  • Nayen Pankhania Director Strategy & Investment, Satellite Applications Catapult
  • Bepi Pezzulli Director Italia Atlantica
  • Ehsan Razavizadeh Former Managing Director, London Space Innovation Centre; and Visiting Fellow, City, University of London
  • Paul Ross Chairman, Optifuel, Chair CEA and former Director Advanced EngineeringSectir Advisory Board
  • Susan Walton Director, Frost Consulting
  • Mike Weston Chair of Trustees, Institute of Cancer Research Pension Scheme
  • Mark Wheatley Director, Delano Wheatley Consulting
  • Beata Young CEO, WomenOnIT
  • Patrick L Young Chairman, Exchange Invest

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Read the letter in the Financial Times