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Professional Military Education

UDSS excels in transforming individual military and government components into a formidable and cohesive force.

Our goal is to provide world-class military education that empowers nations to build effective, strategically informed military forces ready for contemporary challenges.

Professional Military Education Governments Military

Our Services

At UDSS we believe it is too simplistic to think of military capability as simply the fusion of people and equipment. Other factors such as logistics, support, organisation, infrastructure, command and control and critical doctrine, training and defence education are needed to turn a military or security force into a potent capability. Good strategy and operational design and execution is a far greater force multiplier than the investment to achieve it; the UK currently spends less than 0.5% of its defence budget on Professional Military Education (PME) and reaps disproportionate impact for the investment.  

What distinguishes UDSS is that everything we do is bespoke and designed to clients’ specific requirements. We can provide advice on course construction, design and review, including training the trainer packages.  We can deliver command and staff training at the required level and length and design and deliver packages on a wide range of subjects including:

Professional Military Education

Download our brochure on PME services by UDSS

At Universal Defence and Security Solutions (UDSS), we stand at the forefront of defence and security innovation, shaping military thinking and policy with our extensive network across UK government, NATO, and international allies. 

Our brochure provides an in-depth look into how UDSS's comprehensive PME expertise operates seamlessly across various domains and environments. Whether you're looking to strengthen cross-governmental collaboration or train military individuals we can tailor a solution to your country or governments' needs.

UDSS PME Brochure v2.0 030624

Meet Our Experts

Duncan Potts
Duncan L Potts CB UDSS Director
Duncan served as Director General Joint Force Development and was responsible for ensuring the single Services can integrate on operations both with other government departments and internationally.

This included articulating trends out to 30 years and providing individual through-career education and collective training to meet contemporary challenges. Previously he led capability development for the Royal Navy and has commanded at 1 & 2* level for NATO, EU and US led coalition operations.

Duncan served as a Royal Navy officer for 39 years. Originally a surface warfare anti-submarine officer, he commanded 3 major warships on operations, principally in the Middle East. He commanded the US led Coalition Task Group in the Northern Gulf as a Commodore and as a Rear Admiral led NATO’s High Readiness Force (Maritime) and commanded the European Union’s counter-piracy operation in the Indian Ocean at the height of the scourge of piracy. On his watch piracy was defeated. Also, as a Rear Admiral he was head of capability for the Royal Navy, Chief of Staff overseeing HQ reorganization, was an executive director on the Navy Board and was head of the surface ship fighting arm. More widely he has worked in the Ministry of Defence in resource programming and capability planning and as Military Assistant to the Vice Chief of Defence Staff. He has a strong background in Joint operations, notably as the 1* head of planning at the UK’s National Joint Operational HQ (PJHQ) and on the Joint Forces Command Board as Director General Joint Force Development and Director General of the Defence Academy of the UK. He is a graduate of The City University (Systems and Management), a fellow of The Windsor Leadership Trust and a Younger Brother of Trinity House.

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John Kingwell
John Kingwell CBE UDSS PME Lead
John has considerable operational and MOD experience. He has had 4 sea commands including the Task Group that delivered maritime strike into Libya in 2011.

He also served 4 times in the MOD. As Head of Finance and Military Capability (Navy) he was the maritime advisor to the MOD’s finance director and provided analysis on the Navy’s financial performance and where appropriate the reapportionment of resources. In 2005 he was the first senior advisor to the newly established head of the Iraqi Navy in Baghdad.

As a Rear Admiral John was the Director of the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC) – the MOD’s independent strategic think tank providing impartial and objective advice to highest level policy makers in defence and across government. In addition to delivering all UK joint doctrine he oversaw the strategic trends programme (Global Strategic Trends and the Future Operating Environment) which set the long term context for policy makers.

He was then the Deputy Commandant of the Royal College of Defence Studies and in his final role before leaving the Service was the Commandant (2019-2020). RCDS is responsible for preparing the next generation of strategic military, civilian and industry leaders from the UK and 55 other nations.

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