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Bridging Space Technology and Global Security at the Raleigh Lecture 2024
AdminMar 26, 20241 min read

Bridging Space Technology and Global Security at the Raleigh Lecture 2024

At Drapers’ Hall, London, Air Marshal Phil Osborn CBE, Director of Universal Defence and Security Solutions, presented the 2024 Raleigh Lecture titled "Prosperity, National Security and Space: A Critical Relationship." 

This lecture was the highlight of an annual workshop designed for students in Years 12 & 13 studying Business Studies, Economics, Geography, and Physics.

Mr. Mark Huxley, the Master of the Company of Entrepreneurs, opened the session, with further introductions by UDSS Co-chair and Past Master Entrepreneur Peter Hewitt.

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The workshop featured three presentations, aiming to explore the dynamic interplay between space technology and its impact on humanity. UDSS member, Dr. Andy Wells discussed how space exploration is not solely the domain of astronauts, followed by Prof. Martin Barstow's insights into the UK Space Programme and its ecosystem. The series concluded with Mr. Steve Wallace's exploration of Earth Observation and the critical role of space in environmental monitoring.

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Post-lectures, students engaged in reflective discussions led by Freemen Entrepreneurs, culminating in a summary of key insights by Mr. Ben Martin, the Chair of Education at The Company of Entrepreneurs, preceding Air Marshal Osborn's keynote speech.

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The Raleigh Lectures commenced in 2018, initiated by Past Master Peter Hewitt to mark the 400th anniversary of Sir Walter Raleigh's execution. Raleigh, a prominent figure of the Elizabethan era, was celebrated for his contributions as a statesman, soldier, writer, and explorer, embodying the spirit of entrepreneurship. The lecture series, beginning with a focus on "Entrepreneurship in International Trade," coincided with the UK's anticipation of Brexit and the pursuit of new international trade agreements, honouring the entrepreneurial legacy of Sir Walter Raleigh.

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